Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sue's tag!

Given that I've just turned fifty two, completing the decade i.e. being sixty years old seems unimaginably far away. (Since I'm considered to be a Rocking Girl Blogger, I guess I mustn't have grown up properly. I'm sure the Sometimes Resident Engineer would agree with me on this). Since I have nearly eight years to achieve these goals, I guess they may well get done. But given my firm belief in Parkinson's Law (work expands to fill the time available for its completion), you can never tell. I'm also a generally contented, laid back person, so some soul-searching is required.
Here goes: Ten things I hope to achieve by the time I'm sixty:
1. To be more attuned to my spiritual self. (By sixty it would really be high time I was). This means being more disciplined in spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation, less interested in gossip and less of a glutton.
2.To be in really good physical shape. Once the gluttony is over, I should be a very shapely sixty!
3. To live in my own place i.e. be able to get rid of the umpteen trunks and original packing of many of my worldly goods which have to be around since we move every few years.
4. To have offloaded many of the above-mentioned worldly goods upon my offspring and other deserving candidates.
5. To have got all my documents well organized and filed, a process which has never succeeded till now, despite all my good intentions.
6. To be a good and loving m-i-l and grandmother. ( I have a son-in-law, but that relationship is always less fraught, don't you think?)
7. To continue to be my husband's best friend ( and severest critic, of course).
8. To para-jump at least once.
9. To have happy, contented, reasonably well settled children.
10. To be content.

Ten things that I miss having in my life now, in no particular order.

My brother. It's not yet two years since he left us, leaving this empty space in our hearts.

My kids, all four of them. Especially in the afternoon, when I would love to have someone make me a cup of tea! (Trust me to have a vested interest). Tea or no tea, I do miss them.

A flexible body. I can't sit cross legged on the floor now, my knees are too stiff.

Plants- used to have lots of them around. Giving them away each time we moved was a pain.
Last two stations, no plants.

Leisure time. I don't know where all my time disappears- I always have loads of things pending, this when I'm not gainfully employed. I must be most inefficient.

A good family doctor. We've had such a wonderful doctor some years and postings ago, no one else can live up to his standards.

Janahware pottery. I have some, have broken some, and would love to acquire some more. (I believe the factory is closed now). There was a bowl I used for about twenty years before it broke.

The 'kalai-waala'- I used to be fascinated when the brass vessels were all shiny and silvery on the inside when this itinerant craftsman wrought his magic!

Roads without traffic jams!

Enjoying sweets without thinking about my damn blood sugar.

I'd like to tag Jawahara, Hiphop grandmom, Neha, Broom, Lekhni, and the Mad Momma.
Let me clarify- this is for the next decade you complete, not necessarily sixty!


  1. That was an interesting list - you want to para jump ? wow !

  2. oh man Dipali!! You realise that I have only one year before 30 to do ten things? i need to hurry up! will do.

  3. 3. To live in my own place i.e. be able to get rid of the umpteen trunks and original packing of many of my worldly goods which have to be around since we move every few years.
    4. To have offloaded many of the above-mentioned worldly goods upon my offspring and other deserving candidates.
    5. To have got all my documents well organized and filed, a process which has never succeeded till now, despite all my good intentions.

    Me too.I seem to find an ally in you.I AM laid back and feel uncomfortable with very organized people.will gladly do the tag and when I am done you'll realize that we are two of a kind.Must meet you when I visit cal. next.

  4. hip grandma, looking forward to your visit!

  5. well mommy the girls are already fighting for the pateelas!!!!! and though i could share those the sewing machine is definitely mine whenever you wish to offload!! lots of love,

  6. Blog-hopped your way from Sue's! :) Interesting list you have there, Dipali. I'll be back to read the previous posts when I have some time on my hands :)

  7. Next time, I'll make the tea. Better yet, come and visit us. That way you can meet the Bhablet when he wakes up and we may end up with more time!

  8. I loved your post! My Mom does that too - try to offload all her stuff to us! She succeeds more often these days whenever we miss home, or all things Indian..

  9. Pateela booker: Hi, the pateelas are yours whenever you and/or your sis are ready to take them! And the sewing machine, whenever you no longer require Mommy-made nighties!
    Mystic Margarita: Hello and welcome. Hope to see you around often!
    Sue: Thanks, but you need to be a child in residence who wakes me up in the afternoon with chai! Will try and see you guys soon:)
    Lekhni: We moms are all the same, especially desi ones:)

  10. Oh oh! This whole end of the year introspection gets crazy as it is! :) Will do Dipali!

  11. Hi Dipali...Had fun reading your post...some of it made me feel like I think like a 52 year old! Either that or your think like a 32 yr old!

  12. Neha, waiting!
    Nosh and Reh's Mum: welcome. Have commented on your engagement story.

  13. What a cool list, I liked it a lot!

    And let me also say congrats on the two awards. You really are a rocking girl blogger!

  14. Liked your post - you're inspiring me to do a lot of things before I am 60 and I have very little time left to execute all the things I have on my list !

  15. done your tag or at least half of it.

  16. Finally....did your tag. It's cool. I can come back to it in 10 years and see if I actually did what I wanted.

  17. Hey Rocking Girl Blogger! :)
    I see you're the first one to update my blog url on your blogroll. :)
    Thanks. :)

  18. Waiting for your comments on the new blog now. :)


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