Sunday, January 13, 2008

And the award goes to.....

To me, from Sue. Modest bow and a big thank you, Sue. It's been great reading your blog, meeting you, V, and The Bhablet, and being involved, however marginally, with Blank Noise. Thanks for being a part of my life, and letting me be a part of yours. I'm hoping to see more of you in this almost brand new year, once you're through with 'The Proof' and moving house..... it goes on. Despite the busy-ness of life, we'll catch up sooner or later!

Part of the fun of these awards is being able to pass them on to other bloggers.
I'm delighted to bestow this award upon the following, in no particular order:

Lalita: the grammar Nazi, the undisputed queen of cryptic crossword puzzles, a fine poet and my very first blogging friend. Reading her has been great, meeting her has been wonderful!
We must meet soon, Lali, it's been a while.

Kiran: I haven't met her yet, but I certainly feel that I know her and her family. Her tremendous warmth, compassion, amazing self-deprecating humor and her total openness about her life have made her a friend I cherish deeply. And of course we definitely will meet some day.

Yashodhara, with her accounts of the whacky Vijay , the delightful little Peanut (who can ever forget the father-daughter duet in Raga Potteshwari?), and other assorted characters who people their lives, has me rolling on the floor laughing, most times I read her. She also taught me how to link posts. She is , willy-nilly, part of my family. We will eventually meet, somewhere, sometime.

Space Bar: A published poet and a Winnie-the-Pooh aficionada, I love reading whatever she writes. Which is with great sensitivity, erudition, and a whacky sense of humour.
We need you to read your poetry in Kolkata, Space Bar. Any excuse to meet you!

Surabhi: I love reading her blog. I've enjoyed meeting her, George and beautiful little Sanah at the screening of her film here. This girl has a wonderful way with words and images: she posts terrific photos as well. I'd love to see more of you, Sur. I'm so glad you're blogging again.

There are lots of wonderful people out there whom I know and love to read, who have already received this award from someone else, so I'm not re-awarding them. You know who you are, and that you are, through your blog, a valuable part of many lives. Definitely of mine.
Blogging buddies rock!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhh...finally. Thank you, thank you. I am so honoured. Truly *poignant pause to flick off tear, melodramatically* honoured. (PS: Did all that whining on Sue;s post on her blogging buddies help my cause any?)

  2. No, Kiran, I read that after I'd made my little list. I was just too pre-occupied to post earlier. (My older son is home for a few days).

  3. hey thanks so much dipali. and its wonderful the way you have reached out and made your warm presence felt on my blog time and again.

  4. nice!

    One doesn't even realise it but over time and blogging, one actually gets close to so many people and actually form bonds stronger with a lot of people from real life!!

    Good to see you have a long list :)

    and i finally found your blog!


  5. Thank you so very much, Dipali. It is your own warmth that makes it easy to be buddies with you. Blog on, lady.


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