Sunday, August 31, 2008

One year of this and that!

28th August was my blog's first birthday. I didn't even remember the date, since Lalita had just passed away. It is indeed ironic that my first anniversary post commemorates Lalita, my very first blog friend, who was most encouraging while I hesitated to take the plunge into blogging.
Since last night my computer has crashed, so this is being written on the SRE's laptop. To which I have, obviously, only limited access. So this is just a little post announcing that 'Of This and That' is a year old, and that I am so glad that I have this wonderful forum for expressing myself.
Wonderful friends have come into my life via cyberspace: thanks for being there- you all know who you are!
I don't know when I'll manage to post next. Take care, all of you.


  1. How wonderful Dipali... It's been amazing reconnecting with you here.. :)

    Here's to many more post at otat

  2. Congratulations! What I always marvel at is how committed you are to your bloggy friends and take the trouble to know them and their lives. You're a rare person, Dipali.. in the best sort of way. :0) I wish you many long years of blogging, with all its joys and none of the trolls.

  3. Happy Budday to your blog, Dips :)

  4. Oh well done, senora. As they say, (aapka blog) jug jug jiye, and all that.

  5. Hello friend. Thanks for coming out and actually meeting me . Carry on writing.And Happy Birthday !

  6. many congratulations on budday! i feel so lucky to be able to read you.

  7. Yay! Hip hip, three cheers and all that jazz!

    From the blogger of
    'Motherhood and all that Jazz'!

    I look forward to reading more and more and more from you!

  8. Congratulations on completing one year Dipali! And what a befitting occasion to present you with the Brilliant award! Please drop by my blog to collect it :)

  9. Congrats on completing a year, blog!

    Well done, Dipali :-)

  10. Happy Budday, Blog! :) And here's to many many more to come!

  11. Happy Birthday Blog, and may you go from strength to strength

  12. Great going, Dipali. Here's to many years of blogging.

  13. happy birthday blog!!! :)
    congratulations chachi!!!! biiig hug!

  14. Congratulations Dipali!! I started reading your blog only recently, but now I find myself checking your page regularly for updates :-)

  15. I second Penguin.
    Congratulations and here's to many more years of blogging.

  16. Congratulations, Dipali! Blog on! And if you need further incentive, there's an award waiting for you at my blog!

  17. Happy Birthday to your blog and salute to your spirit.

    I love reading you. May you write beautiful forever.

    speedy recovery to your compu.

  18. Happy Blog Birthday. Here's too many more of this and that :-)

  19. Congrats Dipali ! I can't remember how I came to your blog the very first time, but I got hooked to it and have enjoyed coming back here again and again...wishing many more years of blogging !

  20. Belated happy budday to your blog.

    Who is this Lalita? I am somehow dreading that she is the same one that I read.

  21. A very happy b'day blog! It's been one interesting year....and hope there are many more to come!

  22. Happy birthday and welcome back. And yes, am going to sleep now. :)

  23. Happy Anniversary! Heres to many more!

  24. congrats on completing one whole yr!! great going!:)


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