Friday, September 12, 2008

Elephants on my Bed!

This is a bed spread embroidered by my younger daughter some years ago.
It had been hiding itself in the plenitude of my linen cupboard. It is cheerful and happy-making, especially on a cloudy day.
I am sure the SRE is going to come up with a nasty crack about me no longer being the sole elephant on our bed. Ah, well........


  1. beautiful! also the cushions you have put along.

  2. Definitely cheerful. And a sunny spot on a cloudy day!

  3. lol! Sorry, couldn't help cracking up at the SRE's possible comment. Hee hee!

  4. Thanks! OJ, with the SRE, preemptive strikes are always the best:)

  5. Striking bed spread. Do tell us what SRE said.

  6. very happy making, I definitely agree. I still have to reach that point where if R made a comment like that I'd take it lying down. !!

  7. Beautiful. Your daughter is sure talented :) I can't stich/embroider to save life!

  8. dottie you cant stitch etc? why do i find that difficult to believe?!
    (dipali, thanks for the space!)

  9. Nice. I can well imagine the SRE's remark. The ideal response (in my opinion) would involve hippos or rhinos..(e.g. "Yes, I am the sole elephant on the bed, because the other occupant is a....") :)

  10. Nice and cheery - Im sure the SRE will not make any wisecracks - he'll be so busy admiring his daughter's talent.

  11. I second eve's lungs :) VEry lovely :)

  12. Beautiful. The embroidery is flawless. I am so impressed by your daughter's talent!

  13. lovely!!!

    most impressed to hear its been done in house!

  14. Lovely. My mother used to make me embroider and stand with a whip over my head - slave labour!!! But now I can understand the joy she used to get out of the finished work

  15. Thanks, folks. Welcome, goofy mumma.
    You will be pleased to know that over the years, in my august company, the SRE has morphed into a gentleman who no longer makes any kind of cracks about his wife's avoirdupois, probably in the interest of domestic harmony!
    My girls were both fascinated by embroidery and were very creative,and have embroidered many beautiful things. Both of them are much too busy now.
    @dottie, chox: since you do everything else really well, I also find this hard to believe!

  16. Thanks Mommy for all the publicity...

  17. forget wat sre may say, i think its a beautiful bedspread..especially since ur daughter has made it...i really liked it..
    PS: iam curious about wat sre's comment on the pl do share it with us !:P

  18. aw cmon dips! and impressed at all the hard work that must've gone into all that embroidery.. I somehow fall short of patience on such big projects!


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