Friday, April 23, 2010

The Japanese Wife

The Japanese Wife is a poem on film.
A short story has been fleshed out into a charming and beautiful tale of innocence and true love.
The film is in Bangla and English, and has subtitles, and so is not difficult for the non-Bengali to follow.
The visuals are lyrical.
The relationships have been fleshed out beautifully, with authenticity and insight.
Each member of the cast has given a stellar performance.
It is truly uplifting.
Do go and see it.


  1. I loved the story, and you make it seem like the movie is as good. Will definitely check it out.

  2. @Not enough hours: The movie has expanded the story in a very delightful way. You must see this. What was really nice was that I'd attended a pre-release function at Crossword in which Kunal Basu, Aparna Sen, Rahul Roy and Apurva Nagpal( representing the producers) all talked about the story and the film and their experiences of it. Most enriching.

  3. Seen it liked it - esp the visuals which were stunning - the river in the storm . Raima was a bit too la di dah for my liking though but Mr Bose stole the cake. I like the way Kunal makes an appearance .

  4. The newspaper reviews haven't been v flattering. But post your review will try an check it out.

  5. yes. am planning to see it this weekend. next weekend, of course, i will watch the scintillating, uplifting, thought provoking Housefull. kya karein. i like akshay kumar..

  6. That's just what I said to the SIL after the movie...a poem on screen! I really and truly do hope this movie makes it to the Oscar's this year!

  7. good i like it..

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