Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Brilliance of Moi!

Kolkata is going from hot to hotter in the space of the last few days. The son came over last evening, and plonked on his favourite couch, only to discover that the air-conditioner in the drawing room was not working. With great efficiency I called up Samsung Customer Care this morning, and spent several minutes lodging my complaint. When we reached the heart of the matter, i.e. the model of the said air-conditioner, I discovered, to my utter chagrin and embarrassment that the machine in question is an LG product! Ooooops:(
Please tell me that I'm not the only person in the world to have done this!


  1. Dipali, we are what the marketing folk call 'their worst possible nightmare'! My bro-in-law coined that term for me.

    No amount of branding and advertising makes the brand name stick in our heads, so pepsi could be coke,which one is red and which one blue a constant muddle. I can describe in detail to you the ad with amir khan and clean forget the name of the brand he is selling.

    You and I are the dinosaurs who trip their campaigns completely.

    and i am proud of us!

    there is ofcourse the small problem of people mocking us, but dont be bothered! :)

  2. I can top that. I had the technician come home, loosen a few screws on the fridge door and as he got to the one closest to the logo gasp saying, Madam ye hamari company ka nahi hai :)

    The guy was familiar as he had come in to fix the SAMSUNG washing machine and the SAMSUNG microwave, but the fridge was LG :)

  3. @Just Like That: :)
    @SUR NOTES: Truly a nightmare to the advertising fraternity! I'm in august company:)
    @ AA_Mom: The guy fortunately asked me what model it was, so I went to check, or else I could have been in the same position!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dipali: and another friend who is also a high ranking marketing man snarled at me for being "subversive". My low grade amnesia was given deeply political motivations- how cool is that!
    You, i suspect, were involved in this radical activity too.

    Many moons ago, at a non-descript station platform in some remote place, vendor selling tetra packed juice shouted ' thanda frooti ' while holding up the fancy brands of fruit juices that had recently flooded the market.

    hum sab ek hi thali ke chatte batte hain.

  6. @SUR NOTES: I like the idea of such subversiveness:) Proves that my brain hasn't been washed totally by the fraternity!

    And of course, we are all ek hi thaili ke chatte batte!
    (Hearing that phrase after ages)

  7. ha ha! dont worry. this here absent minded gal has done many things like that!!

  8. @kbpm: Most reassuring!!! Thanks:)

  9. Agree with Sur! Who cares? That is, we at least, don't. :)

  10. @Banno: Of course we don't. We only sound foolish when we phone the wrong company for service!!!

  11. Happens, happens all the time to me..I call up the wrong bank and ask for details for the wrong account number and fight with the person on the phone that you dont even bother about your customers :)

  12. - one of the side effects of multi tasking :)
    - not a crime at all gal :D
    - WE have the right to get it wrong :b

  13. I haven't done this yet, but am fully capable of doing this and more :)

  14. @R's Mom: The poor bank:)
    @Gayatri: Not multi-tasking, actually. The flat we live in already had three air conditioners installed, two are from Carrier, this split one is an LG, and the one we bought is a Samsung. Hence the confusion. And the logos are all small and discreet!
    @Indian Home Maker: chalo, I'm in really good company!

    Thanks for the moral support, everyone!

  15. You're talking about tiny things like ACs. Mom and I regularly notice only colours of cars - sometimes not even that. We could be sitting in a car for 2 hours, get off somewhere, and then have no idea what kind or colour of car we had to get back in to. :-D

  16. ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL.. My mom did this very thing with the microwave..And I have her genes.. so I am so capable of this :D

  17. LOL!!!LOL!! iss OK,D..:D

  18. Certainly not - you have moi for company

  19. @Aanchal: We did that on our wedding day! Borrowed Vinod's uncle's car and driver and 'lost' it in the hotel car park! After much searching among the several Ambassadors there, had to get the place of origin of our journey announced! We've been extra careful with car models and numbers ever since!!
    @Pepper: The things we bought in Kolkata are all Samsung- fridge, a.c., microwave and washing machine. So I guess Samsung would be the default number for repairs in our house:)
    @suburbanmumma: :)
    @eve's lungs: Awesome relief!!! Seems like a good camp to be in:)

  20. Hahaha :) How did you gracefully end the call when you realised your mistake? I'd have said "hello? hello? he-" and hung up at that point!

  21. @Thinking Cramps: I think I said Oh shit! And apologised profusely:)

  22. i too goof up so you have company!

  23. @Hip Grandma: The more of us, the merrier! We must be really entertaining to the companies we mistakenly call:)

  24. Hahaha... this I haven't done but totally capable of it. Glad to know I'm in august company!

  25. @The Bride: It's a growing tribe:)

  26. Haha. It does happen sometimes. You are not the only one.

  27. @radha: yes, it's good to know that:)

  28. ha ha ..too cute :) Came here from part II. But something I have to tell you - this was when I was barely 20 or so - A friend's boy friend was doing a summer internship with Mastercard. I don't know how I remembered Aquaguard and told the whole jing bang of friends and the first image that came to everyone's mind about a young boy being a summer intern at Aquaguard was going from door to door marketing them. I think ever since I have been in such a mix of shame/hopelessness that till date I cannot remember who works where :D

  29. Join the club, Neera! You do us proud:)


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