Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still making the children's charts!

We just got back last night from a wedding in Delhi. My oldest child thought that it was too good an opportunity to miss!


  1. @R's Mom: Thank you!
    @Rohini: A family tree in Hindi for one of Marquez's books:) I really had to concentrate on the spellings:)

  2. I love these pictures, the second one the most.

    Are we allowed to say "No" when such things are asked for ?

  3. @ BongMom: Thank you!
    It's great fun doing stuff that the grown up kids would like you to do for them, even though you know that they are quite capable of doing it themselves:)

  4. Oh so cute Dipali :) Who and what are they for?

  5. @Neera: For my eldest kid, she's a lecturer at D.U.
    @Banno: It feels good if it doesn't:)

  6. lovely pix..Happy pix. You are the ideal Mom.

  7. Oh wow!! Ur daughter is a lecturer at DU? Education, is it? I ask because I wonder which other subject do college teachers make charts for? I too would want to go on and study further education when I have more time at hand.

  8. @anonymous: Thank you! You are too kind.
    @Neera: She teaches Spanish. I don't think she needs to make many charts. I just happened to be there for this one.

  9. aha lovely ! And it looks so neat !

  10. @Pepper: Thank you:)
    @eve's lungs: Thanks- that's why she wanted me to make it!

  11. Dipali, thank you for your comments and thank you, hip-hop-grandma for bringing me to your page. Love your blog and love what you are doing!

  12. Deeps,I see you regularly catching up on survivor stories of victims if sexual abuse. don't you think we've spent a long time pretending that such things do not take place?

    Well that was out of context. Making charts is a lifelong occupation. we do it for our children and then for the grandkids and here you are helping out a lecturer daughter!! Lovely, I must add.

  13. @KADMANIVASI: Thank you so much. The blog world is so big that we need someone to direct us to the ones that we will find interesting!
    @Hip Grandma: I read the survivor stories with horror and helplessness, and wonder how the perpetrators could be so cruel and unthinking of the damage they do.
    Yes, speaking about it and spreading awareness is extremely important.

    It feels so good when a grown up child actually wants you to do something for them!

  14. Awww! Never fear when mommy's here! Such neat work -- I can see why she wanted you to make the charts!

  15. Poor you! A mother's duties never end. WE like to complain, but are secretly pleased, aren't we?

  16. @M4: Thank you:)
    @Radha: Of course I was pleased!
    As I said in an earlier comment,"It feels so good when a grown up child actually wants you to do something for them"!

  17. Dipali, this has given me such a good idea. I panic when I think about helping Benji with craft stuff because I suck at it. But now I realised I can always rope in my mom :)


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