Saturday, May 14, 2011

Diabetic Reverie

Whenever I wear this ring
I remember the ruby droplet of blood
on the fingertip
I pierce with a lancet
for my home blood test.


  1. I like the interesting twist in this one :) And I saw your comment on D's blog. Very surprised you didn't get my email with the new URL in it.. my bad :(

    Here's the new URL:

    Do drop by!

  2. @The Soul of Alec Smart: Thanks!
    And thank you for the new URL- I have a lot of catching up to do now:)

  3. I wish you wouldnt say these things to remind me I need to use the lancet :(

  4. @eve's lungs: It is my bounden duty to 'prick' your diabetic conscience occasionally:)

  5. @chandni: Don't be sad! I'm lucky that mine is under control with oral medication, diet and exercise. My sis has been on insulin for some years now. Too much of it in our family. And you do get some good sugar free stuff now. Of course there's a lot I miss, but I guess I've had enough of those things.

  6. I thought for a moment it was going to be a 'sweet' post with a ring and a title like 'Diabetic Reverie'... take care Dipali.

  7. @Indian Home Maker: I've been on medication for years, but am taking it a bit more seriously now, which I know is good!


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