Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Dinosaur is Happy!

I spent about three weeks without my trusty desktop computer.
Life was no fun.
I can access e-mails on my mobile phone.
I can read a lot of stuff on the iPad.
I even wrote my last blogpost on the iPad, though I had to edit the last line on my husband's laptop, as somehow I could not access the last line to edit it on the iPad.
My brain froze- here I'm trying to edit the post on the SRE's laptop, and getting quite worked up as I can't find the 'edit' icon, the pencil!
At last I realise that I need to log into my blogger account, and do so.
I'm amazed and amused by the tricks the brain plays on one.
While I was without my desktop, I was truly grateful for the iPad, or at least tried to be!
My daughter even sent me a Bluetooth keyboard to use with the iPad, as I don't enjoy writing on a touch screen. I never got around to using it.
But now, I am genuinely glad to be sitting at my computer table, with the comfort of the familiar.......



  1. It definitely is much easier to blog from a laptop than a tablet or a phone. That's just typed entries, if you want to insert a picture as well, it becomes even more cumbersome. Or maybe I just need to get used to it.

  2. Spot on! The sad news is that my computer monitor has not been working for the past week, so I'm stuck with the iPad again!

  3. I admire your persistence in blogging on the ipad :) I'd have decided the Gods don't want me to blog :)

  4. @Lekhni: there is always something to say, which has to be said, whatever the device available!!!!!!!


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