As you can see, teal blue has to be part of my house, somewhere! Many bits and pieces have a story- the black bench in the bedroom and the black chairs in the sitting room and their matching table were probably made in Delhi. We were living in Kochi at the time. I'd seen them at an exhibition, and fell in love with the design. The Sometimes Resident Engineer was just too busy to come and look at them, despite much fruitless nagging.
"If you like them so much, just buy them", said he.
"If you promise not to criticise them once I've bought them," said the long suffering spouse.
The furniture was bought and installed in our strangely shaped sitting room- one wall was part of a diagonal. I think the furniture felt very much at home.
Late evening. The man of the house returns. He takes one look and says,
"The nails on those seats are going to rip a lot of clothes."
After which I promptly made cushions for the seats.
I'd bought these maybe in 1996 or 1997. They've moved with us from Kochi to Noida to Gummidipoondi to Kolkata, where they got a fresh coat of paint and brand new cushions. I still love them.
wow.. you don't happen to have any kind of copyright on teal blue do you?? I'm SOOOO loving it :)hehe!!
wow your home is really beautiful. very tastefully done! loved the metal thinggie that your uncle gifted too!! maybe once my kids r grown i cud take your advice on interiors!!
gummidipoondi???? where's that?
i love wrought iron too. lovely room.
wow, how pretty!
I am SO coming over some day soon. Semester is over, and I desperately need to chill out before exam fever hits :P
Wow! Beautiful!
Really beautiful and so neat and orderly. How do you manage that!
And I love the blues everywhere. wow, Time I took a trip to fab India methinks.
Thank you, everyone!
Nat, Gummidipoondi is a small town about 45km north of Chennai. We lived in an industrial township near it.
Where did my comment go? You're inspiring me to post up pics of my home. Plus, what was that thing I remember about desh ki matti and such like...thats a wonderfully kept spotless, and well done up home I see there....
Kiran, your comment is on the previous post, very much there!
That cute black bench surely looks to be the most comfy spot in ur house.
I was enjoying looking at the pictures and at the end left a comment about all this lovely, blue in the post (lovely blue rug) with pretty metal figurines!I love the way homes speak so much about the owners..and anybody can see the pride and the joy you take in yours:) My house suffers from phases of neatness and pride to total neglect:( Seeing your pictures, I am inspired to get off the computer and straighten my place and take some nice pictures!
Teal blue is a lovely colour and your home is so like you - serene, calm and elegant :)
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