Other people of our age have grandchildren. We have granddogs. Dogs whom we enjoy when we meet them, whom we play with, and for whom we are not responsible, as they live with our oldest daughter, in a different city. They haven't come visiting us, though. Our apartment complex doesn't allow pets, and I guess the logistics would be rather complicated. The girls, as it is, are only able to come for a few days at a time. So we get to meet the dogs only when we visit our kids.
We have dog-sat their predecessor, when we were, all too briefly, living in the same town. We have mourned him, and visited his grave. My older son wrote a tribute to him here. Mowgli was missed so much that the kids had to get another dog as soon as possible.
Both of these creatures are characters, with minds of their own, and both of them love to go for rides in the car, as you can see. The driver was their best friend, but since he has left, there is a vacuum in their routine.
They are most sibling like in their behaviour, though they are both of different breeds. They share a typical sibling like relationship, fighting, playing and sleeping and eating together.
When one of them goes visiting my younger daughter, the other one mopes. The two of them share a loving bond, though they do pinch each others bones.
I guess two dogs are better than one. My children all think so.
Two dogs are better than one, no doubt! They keep each other company. Loved the pictures and loved reading about them...I can relate to every word.
aah. just today massive efforts were made towards cajoling me to adopt one of the four cute kittens that a friend's cat has had.
cute pix!
Two dogs , one dog - just dogs ! I love em - what breed are they Apsos ?
The dogs are just grand! Love them
ur dogs are t-o-o-o-o cute!!!
These two ae the world's best dogs......
Oh, Dhanno will love these photos. She's been after me since she could speak for a dog, but can't fulfil her wish. Yes, logistics. So, she makes do with playing with dogs as and where she finds them.
Lovely dogs. And you are right, the best way to get over a dog's passing, is to get another dog after mourning the first one for a few weeks..
i dont think one can ever have enough number of dogs :)
they are just simply wonderful :)
such nice pics !
hellooooo...those are rather cute dogs.
Granddogs...haha...your family is sweet!
I sometimes really wish I wasn't as scared of dogs as I am... :(
Hey, lovely dogs! In fact, I've always liked the idea of having indoor dogs and yours are precisely those! Very cute...
@indian home maker: I know you love dogs. I do like them, but am definitely not passionate enough about them to take on the responsibility(:
@choxbox: kids and pets seem to go together, no?
@eve's lungs: one is a spaniel, the little one is an apso.
@mumbai girl, churningthewordmill: Thanks!
@suveesha: But of course, my dear:)
@banno: It is heartbreaking, but sometimes just not feasible to keep a pet.
@lekhni: My son-in-law was seriously moping. The dogs are great stress busters, especially for him.
@nefariousoutlook: Yes indeed!
@2b's mommy:Thanks!
@Y: Thanks. We also have grandbooks:)
@chandni: Don't beat yourself up- everyone isn't the same. Maybe one fine day you'll lose your fear:)
@mira's mom: Thanks. Of course they love going out, especially in the car.
Loved the pictures! What sweet dogs!
@ a muser: Thanks!
so cute. I have no special love for dogs, but I can tell a cute one when I see one.
Er... don't be too sure about the responsibility bit. When my dogs didn't take to the new arrival (Ayaan), guess who got them - the mother, of course!
the dogs are absolutely adorable. i can seriously spend hours just playing with the two of them..
Awww shweet!! I love dogs too..miss my little cuddly poo,but now,he is so close to my dad, cant even dream of separating them!
@mampi: They are cute. But it's awful when they are sick and need shots- hard to explain to them, no?
@rohini: I don't see any signs of me inheriting the dogs! Why do you think I'm Doosi Nani to some kids in the blogworld?
@mishika: Welcome to this space and to the wonderful world of blogging- I visited and liked your blog. I'm sure our dogs enjoyed your company too:)
Trish: These creatures get into our hearts. I guess your Dad needs your dog more now.
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