My kids sent me a lovely bouquet this morning, which I thought I'd share with you. ( Along with the beautiful rug that the SRE bought in Iran a few years ago).
@unmana, starry eyed, uttara: Thanks. @White Magpie: Welcome here. I don't know about my kids, but I'm certainly a lucky mom! @Rayna: When the children are young, it's the husband who needs to be trained about important days, so that he can then train them:)
Happy Mother's Day! Gorgeous bouquet!
lovely! Happy mother's day!
Lucky kids. Very nice.
I think I am going to buy myself a giant bunch of flowers for Mothers' Day!!!
Happy Mothers' Day.
@unmana, starry eyed, uttara: Thanks.
@White Magpie: Welcome here. I don't know about my kids, but I'm certainly a lucky mom!
@Rayna: When the children are young, it's the husband who needs to be trained about important days, so that he can then train them:)
A lovely gift!
Lovely, Dipujee!
@m4: it is, isn't it!
@Lakshmi: You finally made it here! Congrats:)
beautiful flowers :)
oh this is beautiful!! And Happy Mothers day.. errrm.. belated!
Hi,just came here from The Mad Momma's. The bouquet looks lovely, wish you a happy (belated) Mother's Day :)
It's gorgeous! The rug too. Hope you had a great mother's day!
Happy mother's day!!(Belated!) Lovely bouquet and gorgeous rug!
love the rug!
@nino's mum, how do we know, newmumontheblock:Thanks!
@A Muser, IHM, 30in 2005: Thanks!
I love the rug too:)
lovely kids you have Dipali :) and a lovely rug .....
@eve's lungs: Thanks:)
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