Monday, August 2, 2010

New Addition!

The boys grow more and more handsome. The black beauty in the second photograph is the latest addition to the family- she came to my younger daughter's home in April. She rarely sits still, so most pictures of her are of a black blur. She sometimes visits the boys, who are united in their bewilderment at this mischievous creature who skids around the house at top speed. I'm longing to meet them all, and especially this beautiful new addition to our family.


Phoenixritu said...

Awwwww, they are so good looking.

Anonymous said...

The princess is also waiting to meet Nani!

uttara said...

total love. heart's in a puddle

The Bride said...

Noooo... I am so jealous!!!!

Banno said...

What a beauty! The boys are cute too. :)

starry eyed said...

Oh my, what beauties. Do boys mind being called beauties?!

SUR NOTES said...


Unknown said...

gorgeous babies !

Sands said...

How gorgeous!! They look totally adorable :)

dipali said...

@everyone: Thanks! They are gorgeous, all of them!

smartassbride said...

They are lovely!