We had gone to Puri this weekend, the SRE, our younger daughter G, and I. G took time off from her job as she had some leave saved up. She tries to come home for at least a week or ten days each year, and get us out of Kolkata and our mundane routines for at least a couple of days. She has also been the child responsible for getting the staid, prim and proper SRE into shorts and t-shirts, and, miracle of miracles, this year, even into floaters!
Our kids have some great ideas regarding our future. G and M, our older daughter, have decided that they are responsible for our welfare. They have a good deal between them. G will entertain us and make sure we take her somewhere for a holiday each year, and keep reminding us how to have " fun". M will look after us in our old age (Heaven help her). Since she has opted not to have kids, the younger son will take care of her when she's old. The older son being abroad for now is an unknown factor in this equation, so he isn't accounted for just now.
We were told to pose for some 'fun' photos:)
Anyway, I digress. G and I had had a totally hysterical session on the beach with the breakers washing over us, the earth moving from under our feet, and, of course, sand entering unmentionable areas of both clothing and anatomy.
The SRE staidly sat on his deck chair, having a good 'maalish'.
A camel wallah was told to wait for us to finish our 'beaching'. Once that was over, G decided to have a maalish too. I lolled on the chair, enjoying my daab. The SRE asked me to go ahead and have a foot massage at least, but I have several reasons for not having any kind of massage.
a) My feet are extremely ticklish as well as sensitive- anything unusual can make them ache.
b) I can't bear the thought of a random stranger touching my skin. I can have a shampoo and haircut done by random strangers in a salon, though!
c) He had one unhappy kind of towel with which he was dusting off the sand from people, and a bottle of strange smelling oil.
Now, I honestly don't know what transpired between the time the SRE booked the camel ride and our actually mounting it. The bejewelled lady camel (solo pic) was the one we were supposed to ride. Methinks she took one look at my bulk and refused outright. Our camel chap went and brought another camel wallah with a male camel, who was apparently macho enough to take us on. I was most amazed to find myself climbing up a ladder to mount the camel's back. G climbed aboard too, and the two of us had a great time galumphing around the beach. The petrifying part was when the camel sat down for us to dismount! I wildly lurched forward, doing my level best not to crush poor G in front of me.
That, folks, was the only time I've ever ridden a camel.
So long, G, and thanks for all the fun:)
Space bar, I don't think this meets your requirements. But I did try.
Oh! What fun! Looks like all of you enjoyed yourselves a lot! Great pics!
haha, sweet! Lovely pictures :-)
I remember doing this camel de-throning way back when husband and I lost our minds and decided we'd go for a ride after all! Getting down's the most scary part, if one isn't scared of heights that is. :)
Camel ride on the beach? Sounds fun!
Whoohoo, sounds amazing!
I've been on a camel once, in Delhi, when I was around 7. Loved it :D.
what fun!
The cleanest camel I have seen in Puri - isnt she gorgeous though. If you imagine hard enough she could be the prettiest origami camel. Could I borrow the piccie do you think?
@everyone: Thanks. eve's lungs, you are welcome to the picture:)
Camel backs are another world in themselves, unsteady and they lurch just when you get the hang of it! Brave of you. Looks like you had fun
I love the hats!
So sorry I missed you, G.
LOL! sure looks like a super fun trip :D
just saw this! how lovely...will link. no time now. *hug*
I am thrilled to read such a lovely account of ur undoubtedly great and "fun" trip to Puri :)
And heart warming to see wonderful equations going on between ur kids.
Hey. Chanced upon your lovely blog via M4. Your Puri trip looks like w hole lot of fun. We are goinf there on the Good Friday weekend. Will look out for the lovely camel. :)
Lovely pics. Looks like you guys had great fun :)
:) looks like you had super fun!
I've sat on a camel a couple of times, and though I thought I'd be violently motion sick, it kinda grows on you. Hope you try it again.
How nice! What fun! And what nice children you have.
Looks like you had a blast! What fun pictures! Thanks for sharing.
It seems u enjoyed a lot.
Lingerie Alley
what a fun post D.
what fun - looks like you had a great time. Now my sister and I only pain our poor parents by making them do 'pregnant daughter' ki duty :)
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