Parul and Dottie have declared me as deserving of the Nice Matters Award. And Sue had tossed it right back at me when I had given it to her a while ago.
I'm pinching Sue's idea of posting a picture to acknowledge this, so here is a photo of our non-resident (children's) dog, taken almost a year ago!
Thank you, girls.
Takes a bow(wow)!
hi dipali.. found u thru parul.. i just had to stop by to say- that dog is SOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!!!:D
Bow Bow.. nice n cute doggie..
And congrats on receiving the award :)
:) nice!!
Congrats for the award ! Just read your last post too - lovely poem.
bow wow :) what a cuuuteeee doggie. Chip would run and rub noes with this darling canine!
Cute:) Love dogs.
Congrats on the award:)
@churningthewordmill: Hi Mandira- welcome to my world! HI'm waiting for the kids to send me pics of the new little Apso they've acquired!
@vrij:Thank you,
@parul: :-)
@2B's mom: Thanks- the poet husband was pleased: SRE khush hua!
@dottie: I'm sure he'd love to meet Chip too! The neighbourhood kids come and ask him to come out and play.
@indianhomemaker:Thanks and thanks!
Forgot to respond on my earlier visit -- V wants one, if he/she breeds! So he said, when he saw the pic.
@Sue: Let's see when he's mated!
Abhi toh baccha hai:)
Awwww! Look at that cute face. Adorable dog. I guess congratulations are in order, huh? :-)
Dhanno is going to love this picture. She loves dogs. I, the mean mom, won't get her one.
aww, the doggie is so adorable. even though i'm fur-allergic. i'm sorry i'm not around much but i do think of you. don't know if and when the reblogging will happen though, just thought i'd stop by and say hi.
@jawahara:He's such a pet- he now has an Apso for a sibling! How's Naina doing?
@banno: I'm a mean mom too. I enjoy dogs that I'm not responsible for:)
I also don't feel good about keeping a dog in an apartment building unless you have someone around for it all the time.
@OJ: I'm so glad to see you here. Keep in touch:)
Tagged, lady
who is this gorgeous animal. for a second there i thought stuffed toy. what is his name, last name, jaat? are there more like him anywhere?
enjoying your posts
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