Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Eightieth Birthday!

My mother is celebrating her eightieth birthday this Independence Day. Strangely enough, she got married on Republic Day. Both days were 'hers' before they had any national significance.
I plan to visit her in Delhi and surprise her on her birthday.
I think she is really beautiful.


Anonymous said...

beautiful, she certainly is. iam sure she'll be reallly really happy to have you visiting heron her birthday!

Savani said...

She is gorgeous. And doesn't look a day over sixty. Wishing your mom many many happy returns of the day!

Nat said...

You're right - she absolutely is. Picture of grace. Wow - surprise visit and all....wish i was there to catch the look on her face.
Happy Birthday from me too...nosh and reh too:)

Mampi said...

She is so pretty. I really wish I age like her, and look as pretty as she is at her age.
Great to know her association with the two national days of India.
Wish her many happy and healthful returns of her birthday from our side.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

Space Bar said...

How lovely! Happy Birthday, and may there be many more!

Mana said...

Happy birthday to you mother. She looks pretty even at this age :)

B o o said...

Birthday wishes to your mom. She looks so elegant. Hope your surprise goes really well. Come back with a post! :)

Anonymous said...

My best wishes for your respected Mother. May she lead a healthy and long life!


Anonymous said...

She is lovely. What a beautiful smile.

Parul said...

She is gorgeous! Happy birthday to her and hope you have a great trip.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

Have a great trip! And many congratulations and wishes and everything to a beautiful lady.

Solitaire said...

WOW!!!! She does not look 80 at all!!

Hope she had a good one.

Anonymous said...

Gracious lady, do convey my wishes to her too

Mira's mom said...

Hey, a very happy b'day to her and let us know how did the trip go? :-)

Anonymous said...

aww such a graceful lady!
Happy belated Birthday to her.. wishing her many more of healthy happy ones ahead!

Indian Home Maker said...

That's an awesome coincidence, to share two such important days with the nation! And yes she is beautiful,and what a delightful surprise she must have got on her birthday:) I hope my daughter does this for me forty years from now....

Unknown said...

I think she's beautiful too and she has passed on her grace and serenity to you too. I hope the birthday celebrations were good.

Anonymous said...

:) lovely. wish her from me, if a random wish from a random person means anything to someone who looks so self-contained, serene.

Anonymous said...

array - the wish above this one was from me, gouri. seem to have done something odd and gone anonyomous!

Neera said...

A very happy birthday to dear Aunty! Wow what special days to have her birthday and anniversary on :)

Anonymous said...


i hope we can meet when u come!

will send number on facebook

~nm said...

She is looking so lovely and so very graceful! Love that smile of hers!

May God bless her with good health and happiness..always!

Anonymous said...

such a lovely and graceful 80! congratulations!


Anonymous said...

She certainly is Dipali :)

Anonymous said...

She looks lovely. Hope she had a wonderful birthday

Anonymous said...

Wow! How old was she when that picture was taken? I'll bet not a day older than 65.Belated wishes to your mother. How generous of her to share her special days with the nation. :-)

dipali said...

@everyone: Thanks for the warm wishes and a warm welcome to the first-time commenters here!
For the record,( and OJ, especially) this photograph was taken at the end of April this year, when my nephew and his new bride came over on a visit. The blue shoulder belongs to the said nephew.
More in the next post!

the mad momma said...

she is so beautiful Dipali.. more so in real life. ... congratulations to her...

Anonymous said...

She has this look on her face which somehow makes all my tension melt away. It would be so great to see her in real life!
Happy birthday to your mother!
PS - Wandered here from Gouri's blog...

Neera said...

Came back to look at aunty's absolutely lovely and serene picture :) You know just looking at this makes me feel at peace :) Hope to meet u and her some day.

Choxbox said...

she looks beautiful in the true sense of the word.

Anonymous said...

how amazing is that!!! :))) Happy Belated Birthday!

dipali said...

@mad momma:Thanks- yes, her serenity reflects in her face, though her aches and pains are getting progressively worse(:
@penguin: Hi and welcome here! Thanks.
@neera: I'd called her and told her that you came back to look at her picture again- she was quite bemused, and pleased, of course!
@chox, anshu:Thankoo!

Mystic Margarita said...

Sorry, am late in wishing your mom a wonderful birthday. She is so graceful and beautiful - here's to her health!

Mystic Margarita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wow! Your mom has certainly aged well. Beautiful. Fyi, my birthday is Jan 26th and wedding anniversary on the 15th :-).