Sunday, June 7, 2009

From Mandira

Thank you Mandira for thinking that I am a lovely blogger and giving me this award. I quote her awarding me this: " for the intangible something that makes your posts sound so warm."

There are so many amazing people out there, and it is amazing how a chance comment gets you hopping across the blogosphere and making wonderful discoveries. Some lovely bloggers I've found recently and not so recently include the wonderful Mom Gone Mad, Nino's Mom, Word Junkie, Unmana and ra. It's strange how these people whom I hadn't heard of a while ago are now an essential part of my life. Such is the power of their keyboards.

A warm and wonderful travel writer I'd love you to read blogs at Footloose. I'm not offereing her an award as she is a professional journalist, and may wonder at these bloggy thingummies, but do go and read her stuff anyway.


Choxbox said...

you are lovely indeed dipali :)

dipali said...

@choxbox: Thank you, Oh friend as sweet as the chocolate you call yourself:)

wordjunkie said...

Thank you Dipali. I'm honoured.

Anonymous said...

u put it up real soon..!!! verrrrry nice!:D

Ra said...

Thanks so much. You're exactly the right person to get it.

Mom Gone Mad said...

Well, Mandira has her stuff down!

Thanks, D, for passing this on to me. Means a lot for a novice like moi:-)

Nino's Mum said...

thank you so much dipali - I'm honoured. much love.

Unknown said...

You are a lovely blogger because you are a lovely person Dipali, and your warmth and graciousness comes through in your posts...

Mampi said...

Congrats on your well-deserved award Dipali.
Thanks for introducing so many other lovely bloggers.

dipali said...

@word junkie, ra,mom gone mad,nino's mom, unmana: Its a privilege reading your blogs. So good that I have to let my friends know about you, if they don't already:)
@mandira: I hope it was soon enough:)
@karmic kids: Kiran, thank you for such kind words. (I'm seriously blushing now)
@mampi: Thank you, dear. And yes, they are all wonderful writers. Enjoy:)