Saturday, August 22, 2009

Give me a break!

I've had the kind of break I never did plan to have: a fractured wrist bone, setting which involved a short stay in the hospital. I was smart enough to fall down in my own bedroom.
My poor arm was actually hanging from a stand for a couple of days. Yes, I did manage to sleep like that, with the help of injected pain-killers.
I'm better now, and getting used to living with the weight of the cast.

Of course the SRE was non-resident when it happened, and reached the hospital the next morning, just when I was emerging from the operation theatre. He did, however, with a couple of phone calls, ensure that I was in good hands and that all the necessary procedures were hassle-free. His colleagues were also most cooperative.
I am really thankful to the wonderful friends and family members who were with me during this difficult time. You know who you are! Thank you and God bless you. The curly haired son was, besides being there when needed, also most entertaining. There are now words and phrases I'll never be able to hear without bursting into peals of laughter.

It's not easy reading books, magazines and newspapers with only one good hand.
Single-handed blogging isn't too bad, though!


Unknown said...

Get well soon :)

Monika said...

have been reading u from sometime, delurking today

get well soon

Anonymous said...

Oh my, so sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad it hasn't kept you from blogging. Get well soon.
Kudos to curly haired son - laughter is the best medicine!

Tech Guy said...

get well...

Aneela Z said...

praying for you! please let us know when will be an appropriate time to start lecturing on the merits of taking more calcium?

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, sorry to read about this. But good to know that you're on the mend. Get well soon.

Unknown said...

same pinch.. no back pinch..

what are the odds?

get well soon.

big e-hug!


starry eyed said...

Oh no! Sounds painful. Your son sounds like a sweetheart...good for you:) Glad it's mending and yes...there's always single handed blogging! Yay!

Take care Dipali:)

rads said...

Sorry to hear about your wrist, take care dipali :)

D said...

I realised the gravity of the situation when you said single-handed blogging! Get well really soon.

Anusha said...

what is going on! why is every other person i read getting a fracture :( :(
get well soon, Dipali, blogging can wait!

aMus said...

get well soon, and back to two handed blogging too

Mamma mia! Me a mamma? said...

Oh no!! I had no idea! Will drop in soon with a box full of cheer one of these days!

Get well soon!

Indian in NZ said...

Oh no! Get well soon Dipali.

Space Bar said...

Oh yikes! But how?! Take care - how long will your hand be out of commission?

Unknown said...

Now you get well soon and get back to two fingered typing :)

Gauri said...

Uh Oh !!

Take care Dipali and rest that arm. Hope you get better soon.

Sending loads of get well soon wishes your way.

Take care.



Artnavy said...

take care!!!

Parul said...

Whoops, get well soon.

SUR NOTES said...

sorry for the late wishes, was sitting on the net after many days- get well dipali!

and please rest your wrist!

Choxbox said...

great well soon dips!

Nino's Mum said...

Good god dipali, gentle hugs.
Get well soon: dumpertruck fulls of calcium and love.

Tall Girl in Japan said...

Delurking today to wish you a very speedy recovery!

Poppins said...

Oh Dips! Get well soon dear.

Ron said...

Oh dear. Get well soon.

Natasha said...

I am so sorry to hear about your injury.
Take care of your hand - a fracture is really the most painful thing I can think of.

Sending lots of warm fuzzy healing thoughts your way.


??! said...

Ouch ouch ouch.

Time to pop those calcium tabs, eh?

Hope you it sets easily.

ra said...

oh no, get well soon and get some rest!

Sonia said...

Dipali, get well soon !!

Suki said...

Ouch, get better soon, I hope you have a very, very smooth recovery.

Lost your number when I lost my phone, could you mail it to me?

upsilamba said...

ouch. sorry to hear that, dips.
its a forced rest.
wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hip Grandma said...

Sorry to hear about your fractured wrist bone.How did it happen?Get well soon and thank God for the wonderful friends and family He's given you.Get well soon.My prayers.

trish said...

ohh ohh i just read ..get well soon,D.big hugs..

Banno said...

Hope you are soon bidextrous.

MiM said...

this is terrible!!
take care dipster.

Subhashree said...

Aww.. get well soon sweets.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

oh goodness! hugs.

Penguin said...

Get better soon! Many, many hugs coming your way.

Unknown said...

You rest that hand dear....

Usha said...

I am so sorry dipali- please get well soon.

dipali said...

@everyone: Thank you all for the good wishes.
Lovely to see some new folks drop by, as well as my 'known' readers.
So far so good. I'll update soon:)
Thanks once again.

Neera said...

Gosh ..I am so sorry to hear that Dipali. Hope u r doing okay ..I'll call u tmrw morning. I could imagine ur son talking to u and making u burst out laughing made me smile :)

nitya said...

Oh, oh. Hear I am cribbing about my nonsensical flu while you bravely put up with all that pain.
Hope its getting better by the minute. Hugs.

broom said...

Get better soon and sorry I'm so late to comment.

Tharini said...

Oh boy Dipali. I *heart* your situation all the way! Think you can manage a high 5 with your one good hand...from one fracture-ree to another? :)


mnamma said...

Get well soon Dipali. e-hugs to you.

noon said...

Dipali - am so sorry - I just read this post! Hope you feel better soon. You know because of KB's fracture in Feb 09, I totally feel for the people who go through this...