These old photographs date from the late fifties/early sixties, when we were living in England. I'm the youngest child, and here I'm squeezed next to my Dad.

My brother took this photograph, wherein I seem to be displaying much attitude!

I seem to have just arrived from Russia!

My brother's peeping out of the bay window upstairs. There's an identical photo of my sister on the gatepost too.
Oh you made such an adorable baby :)
this is beautiful!!!
dips -you're as cute then as you are now!
How cute. I love that pic of you on the sofa throwing attitude. Whats that around you? A towel? Very nice.
Beautiful, beautiful pictures, Dips! That one of you perched on the sofa is just brilliant.
And I love the little pushchair you're posing by in the 'Russian' pic.
And in the very first one you look JUST like you do today. Awesome!
Beautiful! Our modern digi-pix really pale in comparision to the warmth of sepia memories:)
what beautiful photographs of you! And how old was your brother when he took the photo? It is an incredible photograph!
Dippy Mm going aw and Tani's going more awwwwww wanting to cuddle baby Dips . And d you know you haven't changed at all ?esp if you look at the pic on the sofa ?Incredible photographs :)
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. London in the 60's. What an adventure that must have been.
beautiful pictures, Dips!
Loved them all.
These are precious!!!
I cant take my eyes off the second pic. Its so beautiful! Perfect pose. You got to frame it, Dips!
Lovely! Ditto Starry, I love old print photographs too.
Fab photos. You look like a star!
Lovely pictures with a truly charming old-world feel.
I love kids with attitude :)
so, so lovely! heart wrenchingly lovely.
You look adorable specially where you are showing attitude :)
oh!I LOVE B&W photos...and this proves it what a treasure it is...and the one that your bro shot! oh! it is shot wonderfully....
LOVED all the photos...u look absly gorgeous...:)
What lovely pictures. They are precious indeed!
Lovely pictures.
The last picture is a gem.
So cute pictures. I love the Russia one. Very cool
Too cute :)
Lovely lovely photos, Dipali. You look lovely, just like you are now :)
Oh my. You look so pretty, Dipali. Loved the family pic most of all. Now when you talk of your brother I'll have this face in mind.
@everyone: Thank you for your very kind comments:)
@Ron: Yes, that's a towel- this was a post-bath picture!
@Sur:My brother would have been seventeen or eighteen, I suppose, at the time.
@Sanand, Anil P, June, Anonymous: Thanks for visiting:)
@Sue: My brother grew into a really good looking guy. You could be really mad at him but just get effortlessly charmed out of it!
Oh ok so where are you now ? You childhood pix are great !
Is a child living inside your adult body?Take the test to assess your maturity level. http://www.3smartcubes.com/pages/tests/immaturity/immaturity_instructions.asp
You have only gotten more adorable since then Dipali.
Oops, thats me, karmickids.
@Tasneem R: Thanks.
@Kiran: Thanks! I was a terribly solemn child. I'm more fun now:)
Dipster! How cute were you? And where in England? I love how Propahly you are attired;-)
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I especially love the one of you perched on the sofa!
mom gone mad: We were in London- NW2, somewhere near Cricklewood!
@neeraj: You can contact me at dipali.taneja@gmail.com
@lekhni: Thanks!
awwwwesome! how did i miss these?!!
when you were in london coupla years back did you go to check out your old house?!
@chox: Thanks. No, I didn't visit the old house(66 Teignmouth Road)- it was a very short visit!
loved these :) i too thought you look exactly the same now as u do in the first pic :)
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