Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's been a while

since I wrote a post. Much was happening in our lives- our older son got married, the SRE had a health scare, so did a very dear cousin (both of them are fine now), we had a voltage surge that caused a lot of damage, including the messing up of our newly painted walls near the fuse box.
Much fun and laughter with family, friends, mehndi, songs, dance and celebrations across three cities. Going to visit my sister's grandson, the youngest member of our family. He was nearly six weeks old when we met him- as the younger son famously said, after stroking a tiny sole-"Thoda kaccha hai."
Fatigue beyond belief. A house that keeps demanding tender loving care, as do its inmates.
A blog that has been sorely neglected.....
Life goes on.


The Soul of Alec Smart said...

Welcome back! Congratulations to the family for the wedding. Hope SRE and your cousin are better now. I miss you around here sometimes :) Blog more often!

Banno said...

Oh Dipali, that's been a lot happening. Congratulations and much, much love, on the wedding, a new addition to the family. And thank God, SRE and your cousin are fine. I hope that you will extend some loving care to the blog too, now that you are back. :)

mim said...

congratulations! all this while i thought you had two elder daughters and a son! i am sure the dil will love you a lot...

I hope the sre is feeling well, now...
never mind about the paint... you should paint it gold or have a picasso-ish wall or somethign

A day in the life of a MOM said...

Congratulations and good luck in your new role !

Cee Kay said...

Welcome back! :D

I lurk and don't comment but had to come out and say this.

Congratulations, once again, on the brand new bahu :)

dipali said...

@The Soul of Alec Smart: Thank you, I will!
@Unmana: Thank you!
@Banno: Thank you! And yes, the blog is getting back on my list of prioities!
mim: Thank you, I hope so too! Fortunately the dirty patches are in the darkish entrance passage- I will try and clean them up, eventually!
@A day in the life of a MOM: Thank you.
@CeeKay: I'm glad you delurked! Thank you!

Neera said...

Oh wow ..many Congratulations sasu maa :) Just read ur latest poem too and myyyy!! Which bahu will not love a saas like that. Just feel like giving u a hug :) *hugs*

dipali said...

@Neera: Thank you! Hugs are always welcome. I miss our phone conversations.

A Muser said...

Congratulations, Dipali! And hope all is well with the SRE and your cousin.