Mountains, trees, rivers, the sea
Oceans, rivulets, birds
clouds, the majesty of nature
the tiny perfection of a puppy,
a kitten, a baby,
The scars I bear,
of not just the babies I bore
but the other surgeries I had,
those scars affirm Life.
The years added to my life
enhance my soul,
the scars are an integral
part of me now.
My aunt is no more
but I remember her smile,
slightly down turned on one side
from a paralytic attack
Her hair combed into "cat ears"
over her forehead,
in her own particular style.
She was beautiful to me.
I never saw her upset,
(well, only once in all those years)
or lose her temper
She was wise, and kind
and strong,
Looked up to by all.
The menfolk in her family,
Husband and sons
Would do her bidding gladly
Because she always
made sense to them.
(The story goes that
She was so lovely
that once he saw her
in their neighbourhood
the young man decided
to marry only her, and
no one else.
It was a long and happy union
A template for many to come.
He outlived her by some fourteen years
sustained by the memories
of their life together,
with a strength and grace of his own).
She wore her saree
the old fashioned 'seedha palla' style,
and was so disciplined herself
you would never dream
of not being so around her.
A natural teacher
you'd learn from her
whether you really
wanted to or not!!!!
Even when she was ill
with breast cancer
she never lost her perspective
or her sense of humour.
The last time I met her,
some months before she died,
She'd been making small
quantities of different pickles
revising for her next birth, she said.
I said, surely your mother
will teach you, in your next birth.
No, she will wear jeans and
work in an office,
I'd better practice
my recipes myself!
I've known so many people in these
many decades of my life
Who are so good looking,
the eyes perforce
linger on their faces
but when I think of real beauty,
it is this aunt who first comes to my mind.
The above blog post is part of a competition hosted by Dove, Yahoo!India, and IndiBlogger.
behen, wo ek lakh me hamarey munna ko bhool na jaaye. We need to pay his school fee soon.
@Aneela: You are too kind:) Khayaali pulao bahut sundar pakaya hai!
waisey they said they will start putting up the entries today, no sign yet? lets "rig" the popular vote! West Bengal-Bangal Bloggers Ittehad
@Aneela: Now that sounds like an idea!
I LOVED this Dipali!
@starry eyed: Thank you, dear!
Wow..and lol on Aneela's comment..I read hers and then I read yours and I think you should just share it :)
@R's Mom: You are too kind!
@Unmana: Thank you.
Loved this, Dipali! They dont make them like that anymore.....Would have loved to meet your aunt !
Well I am turning a very ugly shade of green seeing your wonderful entry! :) .. The poetry is so apt to its title..Such a beauty! I hope you win , you seem to deserve it.
Beautiful, beautiful words...so lucid, so poignant. Loved it, Dipali.
This is beautiful Dipali. This post is true beauty
Loved it loved it...
The strength which very few possess is really a form of real beauty! A story very nicely put in a lovely lines! Nice one!:)
Check out my views at - http://www.indiblogger.in/indipost.php?post=59346
Absolutely LOVELY !
beautiful post here.. here is a heart expressing what does true beauty means
Someone is Special
actually, I agree with ritu.. Hmm pretty beautiful, can't stop myself with a single comment.. here is a heart expressing what does true beauty means
Someone is Special
Nice poem Dipali.. I guess you should post n bag the prize..
Beauty is how we feel inside and here it's Aura of the Beauty
@Suranga: Yes, she was someone you would surely connect with!
@thiswaypliss: Thank you, and don't turn green, pliss.
@MysticMargarita,Phoenixritu,karmic kids, Amar, Swati, Someone is Special, Vysh@the Colourful Eyes:
Thank you so much for the appreciation and the encouragement.
Dipali this is very sweet. I love some of the posts for their originality . yours is one. Best wishes. Do read mine if you find time. :)
Very well said, really beautiful. It is worth reading.
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